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RISC-V Software Porting and Optimization Championship2025

To help attract developers to the RISC-V ecosystem and to accelerate the advancement of its software ecosystem, Kubuds Technology launched the current championship. RISC-V Software Porting and Optimization Championship (RVSPOC) sets its focus on desktop and server software ecosystems, designing competitive categories for compilers, runtime environments, AI software stacks, etc. and is open to participation by developers around the globe.

正式启动 诚邀赞助

发起单位:RISC-V 软件移植及优化挑战赛组委会主办单位:上海苦芽科技有限公司协办单位:广州市智能软件产业研究院
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第三届「RISC-V 软件移植及优化挑战赛」筹备工作正式启动,诚邀赞助

RISC-V 软件移植及优化挑战赛已经成功举办了两届,自比赛启动以来,吸引了众多国内外优秀团队和个人的积极参与。日前,第三届挑战赛的筹备工作已全面启动,现面向社会各界招募赞助商。